Build Community
digital image
Artist Statement
This piece is to show how we can create community by cooperation on various tasks that benefit us as a whole in the long run. Caring for life, each others’ as well as non-human, will build a stronger social and physical environment that benefits everyone and everything involved. Prioritizing the reproduction of wealth over life only leads to problems that may become irreversible if left unchecked long enough.
Bio and Websites
Based in San Diego, Vezael is a designer and illustrator who depicts the various aspects of his communities’ solidarity. Starting out as a designer based in screen printing, he then transitioned into illustrating, drawing stylistic inspiration for his work from media such as relief printing, screen printing, “street art”, and high contrast pen and ink drawings.
Vezael focuses on the united collaboration of his communities in San Diego that are in line with the broader struggle for liberation worldwide. In his art, he envisions the building of a new world based on inclusivity, companionship, and mutual reliance. Combining his ideas with the aesthetics of printing and “street art” that inspired him, Vezael uses limited color palettes and simplified figures to convey his concepts.