Participating Artists: Kirsten Aaboe – Victor Angelo - Jenny Armer - Lucy Boyd-Wilson – John Calavitta – Katie Carrion - Michael Chavez – Remi Dalton – Joseph DeLaunay – Sheena Rae Dowling - Christopher Ferreria – Katie Flores – Kirsten Francis - Sarah Frey – Sora Gallagher - Scott Gengelbach – Sofia Gonzalez – Janice Grinsell - Steve Harlow - Kathleen Kane-Murrell – Ginger Lou - Don Masse - Bhavna Mehta – Lourans Mikhail – Michelle Montjoy - John Oleinik – Judith Parenio - Johanna Poethig – Yvette Roman – Elizabeth Salaam - T. Jay Santa Ana – Gail Schneider – Andrew Sena – Jennifer Steffey – Christopher Tucker – Cindy Zimmerman
Mesa College Drive-In: An Outdoor Art Exhibition will be on view from November 13 through December 9, 2020, in Parking Lot 1 with drive-thru reception on Friday, November 13, 1 – 4 pm. This is a visual time-capsule capturing the dramatic events of the last eight months—plague, social unrest and fires. This physically distant display, including thirty-six California artists, allows you to stay in your car and view the artwork as you drive along the perimeter of the parking lot. The artworks have been painted or printed onto 3 x 5 foot banners and attached onto the fence. Curated by the San Diego Mesa College Museum Studies class, the works on display ponder on the 2020 “new normal” by interrogating spaces—indoors and outdoors, public and private—as well as the virtual versus the physical. This year has been difficult for the art community and Mesa College is staying adaptable through this innovative presentation; this exhibition reimagines the possibilities of human connection and empowerment in a time of crisis.
Exhibition Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am - 4 pm. Closed Weekends and Thanksgiving week, November 21- 29.
Thanks, Acknowledgments and Credits.
The Museum Studies students submitted different ideas for the exhibition announcement. The image for the exhibition was designed by ARTF 161A student Sierra Aguilar (Stardust Coyote).
Gallery Director, Museum Studies Professor: Alessandra Moctezuma
Gallery Coordinator ILT: Jenny Armer
Participating students: Sierra Aguilar, Yara Bertran, Carolyn Brann, Mayra Cisneros, Nehal Elbahnasawy, Laura Ganz-Holtan, Cassie Harris, Aliyah Kieffer, Jose Lopez, Christopher Martinez, Kevin Quintana, Natalia Quintero, Kayla Reeves, Yvette Roman, Victoria Severance, Connor Sheehan, Liam Smith, Sydney Suter, Kim Sweeney, Litzy Torres, Itza Villaboy, Norma Yates, Katherine Zimmerman
All the banners were printed by John Mireles of Gray Market Editions in Barrio Logan, San Diego. https://graymarketeditions.com/
Thank you to San Diego Mesa College Printing Services, Facilities, Communications, Police, Administration and to Jacqueline Collins, Manager of College Events and Operations, for helping us make this event possible. Appreciate the Fine Arts Department’s assistance and Katlin Choi from Work Based Learning.
Art Department Chairs: Nathan Betschart
Dean of Arts and Languages: Leslie Shimazaki
San Diego Mesa College
7250 Mesa College Drive, FA-103
San Diego, CA 92111
Facebook: Mesa College Art Gallery
Instagram: sdmesacollege_gallery
For info email: amoctezu@sdccd.edu
San Diego Mesa College
President: Pamela T. Luster, Ed.D.
Vice President of Instruction: Isabel O’Connor, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Services: Ashanti Hands, Ed.D.
Vice President, Administrative Services: Lorenze Legaspi
San Diego Community College District
The San Diego Community College District includes City College, Mesa College, Miramar College and Continuing Education. The SDCCD is governed by its Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees: Sean Elo, J.D., Mary Graham, Craig Milgrim, Bernie Rhinerson, Maria Nieto Senour, Ph.D.
Chancellor: Constance M. Carroll, Ph.D.